Life Unexpected

Another hours, dah kena balik asrama or we called it as hell. Kidding. My second home.

Alright. How's life Alia ? Everything's fine ?
Getting better. I think.
Classmates are fine, we're getting closer day by day.

Oh this girl, this pretty girl. (aka crush Adha :p) I can't live without her. Dats all I can say. Oh ya, kitorang sangat sekepala okay. (we do crazy things in public x] )

He's my good friend. Selalu bercerita macam macam dengan dia ni, a good listener tawwww jangan main main nohh. And dia ni duduk kat Kuala Kangsar, Perak. Jauh kan dia merantau? Well, aku harap kau tak pindah :) Stay strong Aiman.

Dorm pun, ok la. Petang-petang kalau bosan main chess dengan seniors. Hehe. Kalau takde buat apa tu, tidur je, takpun baca buku. Hari hari macam tu la gamaknya. Esok dah start exam, and I'm not ready :) Yay me. Confirm kedudukan dalam batch drop gila. Drop. Drop. Drop dead gorgeous. Ah tetiba.

Till then. Wish me luck. Assalamualaikum. :)